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What’s Going On Here?!

The Padre Pio/Father Louie Spaghetti Dinner was a rip-roaring success! And we don’t mean to harp on and on about this, but…

September’s 3rd Annual Padre Pio/Father Louie Spaghetti Dinner was one for the record books. First: More Chicken Cacciatore was consumed at the Escondido Knights of Columbus hall than at any time in previously recorded history. Second: It enabled TLM Friends to make its largest (to date) contributions to three worthy Catholic organizations. Third: It was the first (but probably not last) time that out-of-control accordion music incited diners at the event to erupt into spontaneous ethnic dancing.

TLM-Friends serving their guests with ruthless efficiency. The meatballs were the size of small asteroids.

The food was great! In addition to hearty servings of pasta and meatballs, TLM Friends board member Anthony even brought massive quantities of his homemade Chicken Cacciatore. Realizing that Italian fare this hearty would require extreme measures, board member Jan ensured only the finest disposable flatware was used.

Of course, you need a raffle at an event like this. And, boy, did we have the stuff!

Large gift baskets filled with exotic fall fare were on display at the front of the room, flanked on either side by banners of the dinner’s two namesakes. Other gifts included St. Padre Pio-themed books and even Padre Pio coffee!

Gift baskets full of goodies imbued with autumnal splendor were raffled off. The gifts were wrapped in high-quality cellophane to ensure no inadvertent splatters of Marinera sauce would not mar the contents.

Because of your generosity, TLM Friends was able to donate $3000 to three very deserving Traditional Catholic organizations including St. Anne’s Building Fund (they’re building a new FSSP church in San Diego).

And finally, there was the dance. Nobody saw it coming. But the accordion guy got out of control with wild Italian ditties, and things just started happening. TLM Friends’ very own Anthony grabbed his handkerchief, and the rest soon found its way into TLM Friends’ history.

And finally, we don’t mean to harp on about this, but TLM Friends proudly presents Harpa Dei in concert! Oct. 25 at St. Mary’s Church, Escondido CA, and October 26 at St Charles Church, Imperial Beach CA. Both concerts begin at 7 PM. See our previous blogs to learn more!

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