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The Sacrifice of the Mass will not be stopped!

Dark clouds may be gathering against the Mass of the Ages. Although the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in this most glorious and ancient Rite will most assuredly endure, we are being called to suffer more profoundly with Him.

Reliable sources tell us that the Mass of the Ages is about to undergo attack once again, with the blow falling perhaps within a month, on or near the date of the original motu proprio, Traditiones Custodes. Once again those of us who hold fast to the timeless Truth of our Catholic Faith, those of us who remain steadfastly loyal to Eternal Rome, will be asked to undergo the test. Though our leaders may abandon Him, and should even Peter himself flee, He remains faithful. We are being called to suffer with Him.

What will actually come about as a result of this expected new manifestation of Traditiones Custodes? Only our Lord God knows. Let us prepare ourselves, redoubling our prayers and devotions.

As a special devotion, we offer this link to an incredible film, A Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Links to both the YouTube and Vimeo versions are included. As you watch the juxtaposition of scenes from Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ with the celebration of a Traditional Latin Mass, the profound linking of Calvary with the unbloody sacrifice of the Altar is unavoidable. May our Crucified and Risen Lord bless us, strengthen us, and watch over us in the days to come.

If for some reason the YouTube version fails to play, try clicking on the Vimeo version below.

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