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Some Big News(!)

The Marian Retreat! The Spaghetti Dinner! And then, there’s the REALLY BIG news..!

Friends of the TLM were on hand to lend a hand this August 15th for a Marian Retreat held at the San Juan Diego Center, located at Mission San Antonio de Pala here in San Diego County. The all-day (well, mostly all-day) event featured talks by Father Scott Herrera and Father Richard Perozich. During the retreat, attendees prayed the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and had their confessions heard by priests in attendance. Following adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr. Burt Boudoin offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the 1962 Missal.

Holly and some guy on duty at the TLM Friends booth at Pala during the Marian Retreat. Over 200 people attended the event.

Between events, attendees perused several booths set up in the open-air rotunda outside the center. Catholic Answers was there, as well as your Friends of the TLM. Oh, yeah, and there was food. In addition to the stuff we provided, several other attendees brought platters of goodies as well. (Is this an example of “the real miracle was that everyone shared” kind of deal? Probably just a matter of everyone being just plain nice…)

Sorry you missed it? Of course, you are! But here’s the good news: we have the stuff on audio! “Mary, Our Life & Our Hope” (Fr. Scott), “Repair & Reparation in the 21st Century” (Fr. Perozich) and Fr. Boudoin’s homily can all be found here at this link:!Amuxye9CCal6oKAFi6cSeRCoeWF9xA?e=GIBmST

Grab a fork and your bib…the Spaghetti Dinner’s right around the corner!

Get ready to wash stubborn tomato sauce stains out of your favorite casual attire…the Third Annual Padre Pio Father Louis Solcia Spaghetti Dinner is waiting for you in September!

We certainly hope you’re hungry! The Friends of the Traditional Latin Mass are pleased (and famished) to announce the Third Annual Fr. Louis Solcia Annual Padre Pio Spaghetti Dinner.

This year we are honoring San Diego’s very own FSSP parish: Saint Anne’s! Our special guest will be St. Anne’s pastor, Father John Lyons.

This event raises money for the Padre Pio Hospital Home for Relief of Suffering. Come to the Knights of Columbus Hall (515 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido CA) on Saturday September 23rd. The event runs from 3-8PM. There’s a cash bar, and the word on the street is that we’re getting entertainment of some sort. Find out more here: Hope You’re Hungry! – Friends of the Traditional Latin Mass (

And now…the Really Big News!

If you thought that TLM-Friends was pleased to announce the Spaghetti Dinner, we’re REALLY pleased to announce that the musical group Harpa Dei will be our special guests this October!

Harpa Dei is Coming to San Diego this October!

Stay tuned to TLM-Friends.Org for exact times and locations!

The Harpa Dei Choir is made up of four siblings, both in blood and in spirit: Nikolai, Lucia, Marie-Elisée and Mirjana Gerstner. Born in Germany, they grew up in Ecuador, in South America.

Since 2011, as part of a peace initiative, the siblings have been called to evangelization through Sacred Music. In this sense, Harpa Dei tries to collect the most beautiful songs from different traditions, in order to glorify God, and, on the other hand, to transmit to people the beauty of the Lord, which shines so eminently in Sacred Music.

Since then, their mission has taken them to many countries in the world, including Mexico, Israel, Germany, Russia, Ecuador, Lithuania, the United States, and so on.

Harpa Dei hopes to be able to contribute to recovering and creating sensitivity towards the musical tradition of the universal Church, which, in the words of Vatican Council II, “constitutes a treasure of inestimable value, which stands out among other artistic expressions.” (Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium).

Harpa Dei will be in San Diego 24-26 October. TLM-Friends are currently working on some suitable venues. As soon as we have the times and locations nailed down, you’ll be the first to know! (Assuming, of course, that you are subscribed to our newsletter.)

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