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Reminder: This Can Happen Anywhere

In this era of TC, is any TLM community really safe?

Sad and disturbing news from the St. Joseph Latin Mass Society in Austin Texas. DC Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass (@dcrosaryrally) and the Austin Latin Mass Community ( report:

“Bishop Vásquez took the action pursuant to the requirements of Traditionis Custodes and its rescript from February 2023. The bishop’s letter informed us the last day for a Traditional Latin Mass will be March 19, the feast of the namesake and patron of the Saint Joseph Latin Mass Society. It’s a fitting day. We will say thank you to Saint Joseph for his patronage and we will ask for his continued guidance and advocacy.

St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin Texas has been home for a Traditional Latin Mass since 1988. The bishop has ordered the TLM to cease in mid-March.

The TLM has been offered in Austin since Advent of 1988 and at the Cathedral since the Spring of 2007. This has been a tremendously painful blow. The Latin Mass community at the cathedral succeeded in integrating with the wider cathedral parish. We provided a great counterexample to the “standoffish Trad” stereotype. This effort makes the action even more painful; we lose not only the liturgy we love, but our parish family. Cruelty was not the intention, but cruelty is the effect.”

After the Feast of St. Joseph (19 March 24), St. Joseph’s Cathedral will bar the Mass of the Ages. “How long, oh Lord?” (Psalm 13)

Please keep the Catholics affected by this decision in your prayers. This should serve as a reminder that, if we’re part of a Traditional community, we are all at risk of “cancellation.” Pray and prepare accordingly.

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