The 2021 Motu Proprio “Traditiones Custodes” was a punch in the gut to Traditional Latin Mass parishes and communities around the world, and San Diego County was no exception. Prior to the promulgation of that document, ever-increasing numbers of faithful Catholics in Southern California were attending TLMs at three locations: St. Mary’s Church in Escondido, St. Margaret’s in Oceanside, and St. Anne’s (FSSP) in San Diego. The county is also home to a well-established SSPX community. In the aftermath of “Traditiones Custodes,” both St. Mary’s and St. Margaret’s were put on immediate notice that they had a month to close down their Masses according to the 1962 Missal.
After the initial shock wore off, parishioners at both of these locations went into action. Seeking an audience with the Ordinary of the San Diego Diocese, Bishop (now Cardinal) McElroy gave the soon-to-be “parish orphans” a new venue on the Pala Indian Reservation in the northeast corner of the county. Mission San Antonio de Pala had a conference facility called the San Juan Diego Center. Because the center was not a parish church, its use was deemed acceptable under the provisions of the Motu Proprio. The place had potential. It didn’t have all the design features of an actual church interior, but it didn’t look like a rented banquet room from the local bowling alley either. A Spanish language Novus Ordo Mass was already being celebrated there, and it was large enough to accommodate the close to 300 people who were now unable to attend the TLM in their home parishes.
After a month of scrambling to gather the required equipment (altar vessels, kneelers, etc.) and securing the services of a Norbertine Abbey, the new community was ready to have their first low Mass. Since that day in the Fall of ’22, the TLM community at Pala has been thriving. Typical weekly attendance is over 200, and as is very typical for Traditional communities, the pews are full of young people and large families. The Brothers of the Little Oratory provides leadership to the community’s schola, and the weekly masses are graced with beautiful Gregorian Chant.
If you go.
You can learn more about this thriving community at their website, Traditional Latin Mass | North County San Diego ( .

An Uncertain Future
Like the legendary Sword of Damocles, the Motu Proprio “Traditiones Custodes” still hangs over the head of this community, as it does over all those who desire to worship according to the 1962 Missal. Holy Week 2023 is upon us, and announcement of new restrictions are expected just about any day now.

Even as this article is being posted, Traditional Catholics around the US are being hammered with bad news. According to social media posts, a TLM community in the Houston area is being shut down. They’ll be allowed to celebrate their last Tridentine Mass on Easter Sunday, but all liturgies for Holy Week have already been cancelled by the local ordinary.
What the local bishop’s motivation was for this action is unknown, but the pain this will cause the faithful Catholics of that TLM community pretty much speaks for itself. Holy Week masses cancelled? Why?
If you’ve read the article this far, we’re guessing that you’re already praying about this situation as it continues to manifest itself against a small but loyal group of the Church’s sons and daughters.
Definitely, most definitely, please continue praying!