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That’s the only way to describe an evening of sacred music with Harpa Dei.

Friends of the Traditional Latin Mass were incredibly grateful to be able to sponsor the world-famous sacred music group Harpa Dei for an evening of beautiful songs which captivated attendees at St. Mary’s Church in Escondido and St. Charles Catholic Church in South San Diego.

Harpa Dei at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Escondido California. Thankyou Fr. Scott for opening up St. Mary’s for this night of beautiful music!

Click on the “Play” button above to hear Harpa Dei sing Veni Sancte Spiritus. (hope the link works!!!)

And another big thankyou to Fr. Burt of St. Charles in South San Diego! What an amazing evening!

Harpa Dei treated us to an evening of prayerful music of the Church through the ages. This was a wonderful opportunity to unplug from the chaos of a noisy world and refresh our souls with these beautiful voices that worship God through song. Harpa Dei is on a sacred music mission to the US from Israel and TLM Friends managed to snag them for recitals on October 25th and 26th.

Now you may be asking yourself, “Self, how did a rinky-dink outfit like TLM Friends manage to pull off bringing a world-class group like Harpa Dei to San Diego County?” How indeed!?

Well, as it turns out, “we got connections,” as the grammatically incorrect saying goes…

Big Jim D., TLM-Friends co-founder and all-around mover & shaker, just happened to be friends with the group, having gotten to know them during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land a couple years back.

Nikolai of Harpa Dei and TLM Friend Jim S. discuss the timeless beauty of Catholic sacred music. For some reason, the St. Louis Jesuits never came up during the conversation.

TLM Friend Jim D. mugs it up with Harpa Dei after presenting them all with “Our Lady of the Peripheries” shirts. Because we are a tasteful outfit, Jim ensured that the shirts were color-coordinated with Harpa Dei’s forest green habits!

We sure hope you had a chance to experience Harpa Dei in person, but if you weren’t able to make it to either of these events, you can find them on YouTube.

Here’s another sample of their wonderful music:

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