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Newsworthy News

Friends of the TLM are on the move. Over the past year, we’ve donated to a number of TLM-friendly parishes and causes. Among them:

  1. Saint Anne’s parish (FSSP), San Diego CA

  2. FSSP Seminary

  3. ICKSP Seminary

  4. Monstrance for North County TLM community (San Diego)

  1. The Coalition for Cancelled Priests

  2. St. Michael’s (Norbertine) Abbey

  3. The Doloran Fathers – Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother

And, in addition to this website, we’ve also been actively working to “get the word out” at a number of conferences and events, such as:

  1. Coalition for Cancelled Priests conference (Jun’23)

  2. Marian Retreat (Feast of the Assumption), San Diego County (Aug ’23)

  3. Padre Pio Spaghetti Dinner (Sep ’23)

  1. Harpa Dei concert series (Oct ’23)

  2. Catholic Identity Conference (Sep ’23)

  3. Divine Mercy Conference (Oct ’23)

Your kind contributions help support our work. We are also keenly aware that painful times are quite possibly ahead for those of us who love the Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we’re endeavoring to prepare for those contingencies as well. Friends of the TLM is working hard to support those say, pray, and chant the Mass of the Ages (that’s our slogan, after all)!

Spaghetti for a Great Cause!

Some alert readers of our newsletter might recall something or another about a “Padre Pio Spaghetti dinner.” Yep, that’s still coming…it’s right around the corner, in fact!

What will we do with the proceeds from this dining extravaganza? Although we’re sure that our supporters know their way around a bowl of spaghetti, you might not know about the plan to duplicate Padre Pio’s famous hospital Casa Sollievo Della Sofferenza (Home for the Relief of Suffering) right here in the USA!

Get ready to wash stubborn tomato sauce stains out of your favorite casual attire…the Third Annual Padre Pio Father Louis Solcia Spaghetti Dinner is almost here!

Padre Pio challenged us to build a “Cathedral of Love”, “A Clinic for the Body & the Soul”, to serve the “Twice Jesus” in the poor and the sick. The Casa USA will be the fruition of the long-awaited vision for “many other innumerable Casa’s with the same name and above all the same spirit, which must bring love to all of humanity.” (Dr. G. Sanguinetti, 1950) Plans are already well underway for this new hospital which will be located in Michigan. If you join us September 23rd, your spaghetti dollars will go towards supporting this wonderful project.

Padre Pio’s Casa USA Three Pillar Vision. Learn more at

And it’s not just a hospital. This ambitious project’s plans include a medical school founded on Catholic principles, as well as a strong network of Catholic physicians. If you want to learn more, there’s an excellent project summary at the Catholic Health International website.

The project is already well underway. The Diocese of Lansing has donated 40 acres of land, and Phase 1, the St. Pio Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is pressing forward. Catholic Health International has a progress report which you can find—>Here!

Harpa Dei is On the Way!!!

You’ll definitely want to mark your calendars for October 25th (Wednesday). Words utterly fail to describe the beautiful music of Harpa Dei, but don’t take our word for it. Find out yourself! Friends of the TLM is hosting them for a concert at St. Mary’s Church in Escondido CA!

Pray for Bishop Strickland

Finally, please keep Bishop Strickland in your prayers. This good and faithful shepherd is being railroaded, and bad tidings from Rome are expected to arrive at any moment.

Pray for him. Pray for his diocese. Pray for those who appear intent on doing him harm.

Bishop Strickland has run afoul of those not necessarily friendly to Tradition. We’re asking all Catholics of good will to come to his defense today!

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