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February News From Your TLM Friends!

We’re saving a seat for YOU on the Divine Mercy Pilgrimage!

There’s no shortage of things to pray for in 2023. This September, why not pray for them at the place where the devotion to Divine Mercy took off? Find out more here!

Vilnius · Hill of Crosses · Marian Shrine of Siluva · Bialystok · Warsaw · Czestochowa · Krakow · Wieliczka · Wadowice · Have No Fear · Lagiewniki · Auschwitz

As you make your way to Poland, Land of Kings, Saints, and Divine Mercy! Walk in the footsteps of Saint John Paul II – from where he was born, baptized, where he became a Priest – Bishop – Cardinal, and where he spent his time visiting as Pope. Take in the Shrine of Divine Mercy (in Lagiewniki) and be drawn closer to the life of St. Faustina and her Divine Mercy message. One of the most obvious works of mercy, and perhaps the most difficult to put into practice, is to forgive others. This pilgrimage will teach you, and allow you, to be able to forgive.

FBI Retracts Leaked Document Orchestrating Investigation of Catholics (National Catholic Register, 9 February 2023)

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any odder for Traditionally-minded Catholics, we find out that there are apparently some factions in the FBI that think Trads are worth keeping their eyes on!

From Catholic News Agency correspondent Joe Bukuras:

The FBI says it is retracting a leaked document published on the internet Feb. 8 that appears to reveal that the bureau’s Richmond division launched an investigation into “radical traditionalist” Catholics and their possible ties to “the far-right white nationalist movement.” 

In response to an inquiry from CNA, the FBI said it will remove the document because “it does not meet our exacting standards.”

The document, which was published on the website UncoverDC and is titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” the document singles out Catholics who are interested in the traditional Latin Mass as potentially linked to violent extremist groups.

Our response at Friends of the TLM is this: “Hey, come on, you guys! If you want to find out more about Traditional Catholics in general and the Mass of the Ages in particular, just come on and join us for Sunday Mass. You don’t need to show your badge or anything, but the best way not to blow your cover is to put $50 or so in the collection plate when it comes by…”

Read the entire article here.

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