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Choosing the Right Missal

Here is part II of our (one day maybe) award-winning series "Is your Missal On-Target?"'ve decided to trade in that trusty well-worn "Red Book" paperback misalette for a more robust full-on Latin Missal, complete with all the introits, collects, and ribbons you could possibly want. Now, of course, the question is: which one is best for you?

Perhaps you're in a squared-away TLM community where some nice lady is selling missals right there in the church courtyard after Sunday Mass. Or...perhaps there's a Traditional Catholic Bookstore within easy walking distance of where you live.

If, however, you are considering an online purchase, don't click on that Amazon button just yet! We have a couple of recommendations for you.

One great resource site is Latin Mass Helper. (It's not at all like "Hamburger Helper" inasmuch as there is no skillet or stove required.) offers a wide variety of products as well as a very good buyer guide which will allow you to compare various missal editions side-by-side. This outfit was started in 2020 for viewing TLM readings/propers conveniently online. A couple of years later, they started selling missals online (sounds like our kind of people!) They are also committed to donating 10% of their profits to traditional Catholic organizations.

Their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page explains the differences between various missal editions (1945 vs. 1962), as well as a handy guide on how to place those ribbons in your new missal for optimal effect!

And...speaking of ribbons...

We know that for the last few years, "lay participation" has been a big deal. In fact, you often hear people citing "the lack of lay participation" as a standard criticism of the Mass of the Ages. These people have never had to heft a full-sized TLM pew missal, zipping from ribbon to ribbon while keeping a steady eye on the actions taking place at the altar. We're participating like crazy! (Quite a workout, too...)

Another great go-to resource is Angelus Press. You'll find a wide selection of missals here as well! Not only that, Angelus Press has many, many other titles worth browsing. Tan Books deserves a look-see as well. Tan offers a Latin Mass Children's Missal.

Hopefully, the above suggestions will provide a useful starting point as you begin your quest for the perfect Latin Mass Missal.

Because we're all about multi-media stuff, here is an informative video which walks you through the parts of the 1962 Angelus Press Missal (perhaps the most common missal you'll see in the hands of your fellow TLM-goers):

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